I've worked on quite a bit of different things throughout the years, with varying styles and target audiences. Between corporate clients, non-profit organizations, museums and attractions, radio advertising and imaging, and underground music venues, events and promotions, I've covered a pretty broad range of work. There was no feasible way for me to post everything on this site, but this should give you a decent sample of what I do. I've separated most of the samples by theme and/or client, and you can jump to specific sections by clicking a category below.
The files below are 5 podcast-based audio tours commissioned by
The Museum of Discovery & Science in Ft. Lauderdale, FL (written, produced, scored and voiced by Steve Palazzo Jr. and Ryan Sullivan)
More original music (and mixes, etc.) can be found on my SoundCloud page.
DJ Mix Archives - hosted by SubliminalMessagesRadio.com: PLEASE NOTE: These mixes were not edited for radio and may contain explicit lyrics.
Visit SubliminalMessagesRadio.com for tracklists & descriptions, links to full-length radio show archives and more.